I have very so busy since the beginning of October. I had several shows, trying to get my coupon club started, finishing up my computer class. Let me update you about what has been going on. I will start with my first show. I was a vendor at the Hat & Heels Fashion Show which was scheduled for Saturday October 22. . I had a wonderful blssed time. I met some awesome women of God. They put on a fantastic show. They also presented a conference headed by Prophetess Ladi-Annissa Spencer. She is the spiritual head of the Royal Daughters of Zion Priesthood, in connection with The Royal Priesthood Worldwide Ministries. The ministry is located in Lafayette Indiana. I was not able to attend the conference, but I heard that it was awesome.
These ladies made me feel welcome. I enjoyed the praise team as they worship God with song and we prayed before the fashion show. They will be back in town as they plan to make this area a permanent stop on the road to spreading word. I have to say I am sorry. I am just getting to write about this show and I will email Prophetess Spencer to let her know I have not forgotten. You can feel the power coming off of her in waves. The power of God in her life. If you would like to get in touch with Prophetess Spencer, you can email her at RPWGroup@yahoo.com/FB RoyalDaughterofZion Priesthood or follow her at RPWMinistries. Their website address is WWW.RoyalPriesthoodInternationalMinistries.webs.com. Now there was another vendor there and she was part of the Hat and Heels Fashion Show. She had some amazing hats. I am sorry to say, I lost her business information( I am losing a lot things these days). As soon as I can get the information, I will post it. Here are pictures of her awesome hats.

This beautiful young lady was a participant in the fashion show. She actually came to see the show and was picked by the vendor and coordinator to be in the fashion show. Stylish, elegant and fabulous. Go on girl and strut your stuff. Hopefully I will have not more problems with my computer and my hectic schedule has lighten up at bit. Onward and upward.
These ladies made me feel welcome. I enjoyed the praise team as they worship God with song and we prayed before the fashion show. They will be back in town as they plan to make this area a permanent stop on the road to spreading word. I have to say I am sorry. I am just getting to write about this show and I will email Prophetess Spencer to let her know I have not forgotten. You can feel the power coming off of her in waves. The power of God in her life. If you would like to get in touch with Prophetess Spencer, you can email her at RPWGroup@yahoo.com/FB RoyalDaughterofZion Priesthood or follow her at RPWMinistries. Their website address is WWW.RoyalPriesthoodInternationalMinistries.webs.com. Now there was another vendor there and she was part of the Hat and Heels Fashion Show. She had some amazing hats. I am sorry to say, I lost her business information( I am losing a lot things these days). As soon as I can get the information, I will post it. Here are pictures of her awesome hats.

This beautiful young lady was a participant in the fashion show. She actually came to see the show and was picked by the vendor and coordinator to be in the fashion show. Stylish, elegant and fabulous. Go on girl and strut your stuff. Hopefully I will have not more problems with my computer and my hectic schedule has lighten up at bit. Onward and upward.
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